At roof level, the restoration efforts include dismantling and rebuilding 30 of the 34 chimneys, and replacing 140,000 roof tiles. Removing the roof finish has afforded the opportunity to install a new pitched roof underlay. The project architects specified Proctor Air, with Mac Roofing & Contracting Ltd carrying out installation. As an historic building, the […]

A significant challenge when working on the roof of any existing, occupied building is protecting the people inside the building without the full roof system in place. That challenge is multiplied when the building in question is large and work has to be carried out in sections over a longer period of time.At Hatchemeadow apartments […]

All roof coverings and underlays need to be replaced at some point during a building’s useful life. When that time comes, how can the next generation of roof membranes help existing buildings to meet current performance requirements and be resilient for the future? Pamela Howat, Senior Technical Advisor at A. Proctor Group looks at some […]
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